Another bike kerfuffle today. I was filtering between rows of cars stopped at a light when a pedestrian walked out between two cars. Unfortunately, I saw her only a second before she saw me, and my, "Whoa whoa WHOA" didn't catch her notice. I know it's hypocritical for me to wish that pedestrians would obey traffic laws, since I break them constantly on my bike, but really, is crossing at the crosswalk too much to ask? She was fine, by the way, and apologetic. I got knocked into a car when I hit her, and luckily that wasn't scratched or dented. I swear to god, they're trying to kill me.
I'm taking on some hours at my old job, at the coffee shop. Unlike my full-time job, they've been made aware that I'm leaving in June, but it sounds like they're pretty desperate, and not doing too well financially, and need someone they trust to manage when the GM goes home. For my part, I want to keep up my barista skills, such as they are, and supplement my pay. I really liked my old job, and if I'd been able to get the hours I needed, I'd probably still be working there. Next week, we'll see how my sanity holds up to four consecutive 14-hour workdays. That weekend in the woods is gonna feel good.
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