Clothes Givaway
Here's the list of stuff I'm giving away. Like I said in the Facebook post, I won't mail clothes (unless you want to reimburse me for shipping), but I can meet up with you the next time I'm in the area. I'm in the vicinity of Indiana, PA at the moment, but I'm often in Pittsburgh and various towns in Western PA. I'm likely to be in the Boston area, New York City, Philly, and near Bard in the next few months, so let me know.
All the shirts are laundered - twice! - and they smell clean. The hoodies aren't washed; that would be missing the point.
If you want anything, let me know on Facebook, or e-mail me at
You'll notice that some of the shirts are ripped. If you want me to, and it'll be a little while before we meet, I will sew the rips for free. I can't guarantee it'll be seamstress-quality (seamster-quality?) work.
Herman Survivor boots, oxblood. Size 10. Real leather, which is why I'm giving them up. I'm almost certain these were made before the Herman brand was sold to Wal-Mart in 2001. In the '80s and '90s, these would have sold for between $80 and $180 a pair, not adjusted for inflation. These are in great shape. I got them used, but I haven't worn them much, and they'll probably last decades. Tough, warm, reasonably breathable.
Rocky boots, black. Size 9.5 or 10, I can't remember. Real leather; bummer for me. I love these boots. They were my constant companions from 2006 onwards. I used to wear them daily except in the height of summer. I used to wear a chain around the one, but then I wore through the chain. Far from new, but they look great and probably have a couple years more life in them. Very tuff looking.
Municipal Waste shirt, small. Reaper design. Got it at a tour in 2006.
Voetsek shirt, small. Skull design on front, checkered flags and "Pit Crew" on the back. Pretty faded, especially the back. From the same show as the Municipal Waste shirt. For whatever reason, I do this thing when I take my shirts off that causes them to tear under the right armpit. Anyway, this is really torn. You could probably sew it back up, it hasn't lost any material.
Caustic Christ shirt, small. Lycanthropy/Manson design.
Seasick shirt, small. Grey-on-black "It's Not a Choice, It's a Threat" design. From '06, as it says, when I booked them on a show.
Deviated Instinct shirt, small. Gutteral Breath color design. I got this as a free extra from some or another distro because my order was late. I never wore it because I don't like color designs.
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